Workflow Status Screen

The Workflow Status section of the expense authorization form displays all the tasks that are required or optional for the expense authorization. These include tasks for approving or rejecting the expense authorization if you are authorized to do so, and adding required attachments, such as trip authorizations.

The status of each task is also indicated. Advance tasks are also completed from the Workflow Status screen.

Note: After you submit an expense authorization form, this section automatically opens if attachments, such expense receipts, are required.

Certain tasks, such approving or rejecting an expense authorization or attaching supporting documents, such as an airfare quote, hotel room confirmation, or trip authorization form, do not display until the expense authorization has been submitted, and if required, signed.

To complete a required or optional task, click the icon that displays for that task in the Action column.


Task Tables

Tasks related to the expense authorization display in the Expense Authorization Tasks table, and tasks related to advances display in the Advances Tasks table. Fields for these tables are identical and described in further detail below.

Field Description
Tasks Filter

From the Tasks Filter drop-down list, select the option that will display the tasks you want to view. The tasks can be filtered in the following ways:

  • My Open Tasks — Select this option to display only those tasks assigned to you and only those that have a status of Pending . In this view, for example, the Approve and Reject tasks do not display for your own expense authorization. However, if attachment tasks are pending, those display.
  • My Tasks — Select this option to display only those tasks assigned to you and which have a status of Pending or Completed . This view displays all the tasks that were assigned to you, but tasks that others must complete, such as approving the expense authorization, do not display.
  • All Open Tasks — Select this option to display all tasks associated with the expense authorization that have not yet been completed. In this view, your own open tasks display as well as tasks assigned to others or those that.
  • All Tasks — Select this option to display all tasks, pending and completed, for all roles.
Note: The tasks that display depend on the status of the expense authorization. For example, in Draft status, the Create and Submit tasks may display, but the Attach and Approve tasks do not.
Field Description
Show Task Details

To view the details associated with either a completed or due task, select the check box next to the desired task and click .

Fields on the Completed Task screen include:

  • Due Date/Time — Date and time when the task was completed.
  • Completed By — This field identifies the person who completed the task.
  • #of Notifications — This field displays the number of notifications.
  • Completed Date/Time — This field displays the date and time the task was completed.
  • Reason for Rejection — This field displays the reason an expense report, expense authorization, or attachment was rejected.

    Fields on the Due Tasks screen include:

  • Due Date/Time — Date and time by which the task needs to be completed.
  • Refresh — Click Refresh to update the assignment list based on task and current group assignments. This does not apply to user directed tasks.
  • Row Selector — Select this check box to assign the task, or clear the check box to un-assign the task.
  • Role — This field identifies the role of the person to whom the task is assigned.
  • Type — This field identifies the type of assignment, including:
  • Primary
  • Backup
  • Delegate
  • User Directed
Primary Role

This field displays the functional role of the person who has primary responsibility for completing the task.


This field displays the action that is pending for a given tasks. Possible actions include:

  • Create
  • Submit
  • Approve
  • Attach
  • Review
Task Item

This field displays the item upon which the action is pending.

For example, if the pending task is approval of an expense authorization, the task item is Overall EA. Other possible items include:

  • Charge allocation ID
  • Quotes
  • Receipts
  • Task Rule

This field indicates the type of expense or the charge in which the task needs to be performed. The expense and charge descriptions derive from the Expense Category and Expense Type, respectively.


This field indicates the amount of the expense in which the task needs to be performed. This field will only contain a value if the task is to attach or approve an attachment.


This field indicates the currency in which the expense was incurred. This field only contains a value if the task is to attach or approve an attachment.


This field indicates whether the task is required or optional.


This column displays the current status of the task. The status is represented by one of the following icons:

  • Pending is represented by .
  • Task in Process is represented by .
  • Completed is represented by .

displays for only for Attachment tasks, where a coversheet was printed, but the fax has not yet been received.


This column displays the available actions you can take for the task. Each action is represented by an icon that displays in the Action column. Click the icon to take action on a task. The following actions and icons display in this column:

  • Approve — Click to approve an item. Items available for approval depend on your role and may include the following:
  • Overall Expense Authorization
  • Charges allocations
  • Expense quotes
  • Reject — Click to reject an item. The Reject Task dialog box displays, where you must provide a reason for rejecting the item and click Reject.
  • Attach — Click to attach the required item, such as an airfare quote. After you click , the Attach screen displays. After the Attachment task is completed, the following icons display in the Action column for that attachment:
  • Edit
  • View
  • Delete
  • Record — Click to record an attachment.
  • Unrecord — Click to unrecord an item that was previously recorded.

If the status of a task is updated automatically, the Action field is empty and no icon displays. For example, a Submit task may display, but the status is updated automatically, after you submit the expense authorization.

Show and Hide Workflow Status Legend

By default, the Workflow Status legend is displayed. To hide the Workflow Status legend, click Hide Legend on the Workflow Status section of the expense authorization form.

To show the Workflow Status legend, click Show Legend on the Workflow Status section of the expense authorization form.